News F&P Robotics

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Lio Meets Barney 15.9.2021

Customers and interested parties were invited to a special afternoon at F&P Robotics. The event included a presentation by the Fachhochschule Graubünden on their extensive study of the implementation of Lio in care homes. A demonstration of Lio was done and at the end of this very informative event we were able to network and relax while enjoying an apéro riche. The perfectly mixed drinks were served by Barney Bar and Barney Barista. 3 media representatives were at the event.

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Le Barney Bar sert désormais des boissons à Oman

Barney Bar in Oman

Depuis fin décembre, notre Robot Barney sert des boissons gazeuses et des jus dans le centre commercial le plus visité d’Oman. Le bar a été installé dans le centre commercial du boulevard Al-Araimi, dans la capitale de Mascate. Le Boulevard est situé dans le quartier en plein essor d’Al Khoud à Mascate, une destination étonnante qui permet d’explorer de nouvelles perspectives de divertissement dans le Sultanat.
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