Berliner Kolloquium

Robots in the care – Who will help us when we are helpless?

Every year, experts from science, business and politics meet at the Berlin Colloquium to discuss various topics covering areas such as the human-machine interface, molecular medicine, neuro- and cultural sciences, psychology, ecology, urban studies and computer science, as well as communication and management developments. This year, the focus was on the use of robots in nursing and care. Nursing robots support or replace human caregivers. They bring and provide food and medicines to people in need, help them to lie down and stand up or alert the emergency service if necessary. The ethical background of the topic as well as its opportunities and risks were discussed by guest speakers. F&P Robotics was invited to participate in the colloquium as our products are leading the way in this market. We were pleased to find Lio and P-Care in the presentations of the experts. The participation was an important experience for us, as we attach great importance to exchanging ideas with experts and to incorporate ethical backgrounds into the development and use of our products.